take risks

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take risks

更新时间:2025-03-11 00:38:44
  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. Most bookmakers have decided not to take cash and accept bets via telephone instead to reduce the risks of being raided by police.

2. She is a risk addict, thriving on danger and needing to take greater and greater risks to quicken her pulse.

3. The weekly forecast also lists lucky colors for each star sign and warns people to take precautions to ward off possible risks.

4. It's hard for anybody to walk out of their comfort zone and take new risks.

5. Internationally agreed rules stipulate that banks must create capital reserves commensurate to the risks that they take when they invest depositors'savings.

6. Commercial banks should take effective measures to manage foreign exchange rate risks, the rules urged.

7. And the big profits once attracted many cowhide and other fur smugglers to take risks operating in the region.

8. I hope that with rising prosperity, our people will have greater daring to dream and take bigger risks to be different.

9. Consumers who get their DNA tested for health risks take the results in their stride, says the first major study of how people react to commercial genetic testing.

10. Take effective measures to avoid the risks from interest rate and exchange rate fluctuations.

1. Keep encouraging yourself to take the neccessary risks to refule your confidence.

2. Offer and ride and ride the thing system, enable players to ride the loved pet and take risks.

3. We will continue to take maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth as our primary task. We will unswervingly follow the proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy, and fully implement and continuously enrich and improve the stimulus package. We will promptly identify and address new developments and new problems in the economy, make our policies more targeted, effective and sustainable, and guard against and fend off various potential risks, including inflation, so that the Chinese economy will achieve fast and steady growth and the country will enjoy social stability and harmony.

4. take risks

4. You should discuss the risks and benefits fully with your doctor before making a decision on whether to take HRT.
你应该讨论的风险和益处,充分与你的医生在作出决定前,是否采取的HRT 。

5. As a protection against the risks arising under the customer agreement, the partner shall - to the extent to which this is reasonable and possible - take out joint insurances with a waiver of recourse against the other partner and the customer.

6. Unfortunately there are some malevolent people out there and it is best not to take undue risks.

7. take risks什么意思

7. Bulletin said, to which companies to take immediate measures to implement effective additional collateral assets, lock loans risk, and then by the provisions of the loan restructuring, and the a-class quality with the real estate agencies to assess the value of assessment to the full implementation of the value provided Bonded effectively control the loan risks.

8. take risks在线翻译

8. Of our country financial institution take precautions against means of financial risks make use of various kinds of finance innovative products and shift, reduce or dispel relevant risk mostly very at present.

9. The phenomenon gave me the motivation to try to find the reason why the trend of cash dividend payout ratio changed the direction. I first test the relationship between the characters of firms and their cash dividend payout ratios. The results declared that the market-to-book ratio, earning ability and firm size significantly influences the cash dividend payout ratio. Then I tried to test the catering theory to recognize if the change of cash dividend payout ratio trend can attribute to managers` desire to cater the demand of investors and found catering theory seems capable in explaining the phenomenon. But Hoberg and Prabhala (2007) indicated that if we take the risks into account, the catering theory can not sufficiently explain the change of the trend of cash dividend payout ratio. So I took Tax Integration and the risks which calculated by the methods of Fama and French (2003) into account to prove their perspectives. At last, the results revealed that the influence of catering were not very strong if we consider the risks of firms, but the influence of risks and Tax Integration has significantly great influences.
本文首先研究市值净值比、总资产成长率、资产获利与公司规模等公司特性,对於上市柜公司经理人选择现金股利政策的影响,以厘清近十年来,上市柜公司现金股利的发放比率不断提升是否受到整体投资市场公司特性的改变所影响,结果发现市值净值比、资产获利与公司规模都对现金股利政策有显著影响,接著进一步验证Baker and Wurgler(2004)所提出的迎合理论是否适用於解释台湾上市柜公司经理人选择现金股利政策所受到的影响,并利用Hoberg and Prabhala(2007)提出的模型,加入风险因子并考虑两税合一制实施后的影响重复验证,经过实证发现台湾上市柜公司经理人於选择现金股利政策时,受到迎合理论的影响并不明显,远不如公司的独特风险与两税合一制的影响。

10. take risks的解释

10. Other politicians don`t want to take risks, but he will take any risk, said Brice Hortefeux, one of Mr.

11. Successful entrepreneurs and found most like to take risks, half come from unprivileged

12. He wanted to take no risks, however small.

13. Their past in Akbar had left them fearful, and they lacked the confidence in themselves to take risks.

14. We cannot afford to take risks when peoples'lives are at stake.

15. Take gaining profit at Shanghai Future Goods Exchange Centre for example, investors gained profit from in-stock gold price at 22 Yuan/g on January 9th 2008 the first day of Shanghai 0806 contract future gold went on the market. Except financial dect 1.665 Yuan/g, 2% of open interest freeze consumption, different commissions 1.2 Yuan/g, investors could have opportunities of gaining profits only when material future goods price is less than the golden area illustrated in the above pictures on the first open day on the market. If investors could make sure future goods price expiration and the actual price shock is limited in a scale while the scale shock is limited in the golden area, the investment risks will greatly decrease. Syphonage theory deems that if investors could select a golden area whose shock scale is limited in the golden area and select a package whose profit aim shocks stay far from risk boundary. In most cases, to say that profit gaining exchange cannot get infinite profits as expected is not an exaggeration, due to different national gold exchange system. The result of profit gaining exchange is to limit the lever percentage of risk investors. In actual profit gaining process, investors should choose suitable type to operate.

16. take risks是什么意思

16. His reasoning is that fish which grow fast need more food and must take more risks to get it.

17. They can afford to take risks because they feel safe.

18. The truckers who scored highest on the IQ test were also more patient and more willing to take calculated risks, rejecting unfair gambles and accepting favourable ones.

19. We take risks, make big bets, and move with urgency.

20. In this article I'll address some discoveries I've done in Microsoft's implementation of the CLR and how to take advantage of them, and what risks they involve as far as I know.

  • 临近词
We take risks knowing that risk will sometimes result in failure.(我们明知风险会导致最终的失败,但却甘愿冒着风险前进。)
You don't like to take risks, and Sagittarians thrive on chance.(你不喜欢冒险,偏偏这是射手座最钟意的。)
"The presence of peers makes adolescents and youth, but not adults, more likely to take risks," Steinberg and Gardner concluded.(“同伴的存在使青少年和年轻人更有可能去冒险,成年人则不在此列。”斯坦伯格和加德纳总结道。)
They were willing to take risks to get stock-market returns.(他们愿意为获得股市回报而冒险。)
Those who take risks they later regret usually focus on immediate benefits and simply haven't considered what might go wrong.(那些冒险之后会后悔的人,通常只关注眼前的利益,根本没有考虑可能会出现什么问题。)
We need to take risks.(我们需要冒险。)
As he and other researchers examined the question of why teens were more apt to take risks in the company of other teenagers, they came to suspect that a crowd's influence need not always be negative.(当他和其他研究人员研究为什么青少年在其他青少年的陪伴下更容易冒险时,他们开始怀疑群体的影响不一定总是负面的。)
Do you take risks?(你冒过险吗?)
This was not the time to take risks; he knew he should play it by the rule book.(这不是冒险的时候,他知道他应该按规则行事。)
You have no right to take risks with other people's lives.(你没有权利拿别人的生命去冒险。)
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